Apr 2023
Making the news
Written by Phoebe Campbell-Rees

Slow news day? News agenda not conducive to newsjacking? There’s only one thing for it…make the news.
The B2B space can be a noisy arena, often with big tech moves dominating the news agenda. Newsjacking (adding to an existing conversation) is a great way to cut through the noise, but what happens when there isn’t a story conducive to your client and their wheelhouse?!
Facing the challenge
Recently, the Positive team faced this very challenge on behalf of a client. As the national alert system test approached, we turned our attention to the potential threat posed by phishing scams. Working closely with our client, we crafted a comment that clearly explained how to distinguish between a phishing scam and a legitimate government alert. This allowed our client to demonstrate their technical expertise and provide a valuable public service by warning people about scammers who might try to take advantage of the testing period.
Pure thought leadership
When it comes to establishing thought leadership, there’s no substitute for genuine expertise. By leveraging their knowledge to educate the public, our client was able to gain national media coverage, take control of the narrative, and help people become more informed about the world of tech. It’s a win-win situation all around.