Nov 2018
Fixing IT problems really doesn’t need to suck
Written by Paul Maher

You will NOT have any IT problems today.
Sitting at your desk, with your notepad and pen at the ready, today will be the day all of the work gets done. You are caffeinated and poised to make a difference.
You turn on your computer. It whirrs, the hard disk makes that familiar, whirring scratchy noise. Being productive is just a few seconds away…time to be your best self, time to impress the boss. Time to BE the boss.
Yet, you hear a beep, and as you turn back to your PC screen, you are hit with the BSOD, Blue Screen of Death, a fatal system error. Now you know you’re going to get nothing done today. Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. You have a piece of work due at 10 am. Nightmare.
What do you do?
- Call the IT service desk, submit a ticket and wait.
- Fix the problem yourself, maybe ask a colleague to help?
- Ignore the problem, grab your personal laptop from your bag (brought in for this very reason), log on to the company network and deliver the piece of work on time.
The answer for many is probably the last one, maybe the second one. Sadly, because of the general opinion of the enterprise IT service desk, it is rarely the first point. This is the problem with enterprise IT.
Well, it was…until Nexthink came along.
The brief
When Nexthink approached Positive to work on its most recent Next Level Thinking marketing campaign, the brief was to demonstrate how Nexthink’s smart technology helps large enterprises create an end-user focused IT environment, which enables quick and easy self-service and sophisticated endpoint and individual sentiment monitoring for end-user IT problems.
IT problems plague enterprises the world over. This results in a serious lack of productivity and is not helped by the fact that IT is traditionally seen as a cost centre. After all, today, we live in a world where enterprise IT is consumerised. Today’s workforce does not want to work on ancient, slow computer systems – they want to engage with technology in the same way they do at home. This means, using the apps and technology they are used to outside of work.
But how could Nexthink demonstrate it has a solution for both IT teams and also end-users? Both want to work in the ultimate digital workplace. Both want to feel like they are part of the future. The end-user wants a personalised IT experience. The IT team wants to triage IT issues effectively and get ahead of problems before they snowball.
In response, Positive created the core messaging for the campaign based on significant learnings gained from internal Nexthink experts. This helped create a narrative for each of the three core assets which underpinned the campaign. By focusing on the issues faced not just by end users in the workplace, but also IT, Positive was able to position Nexthink as a solution to a host of issues arising from enterprise IT issues.
The assets
Each core asset for the campaign was created, written and designed by Positive, for different audiences.

Core asset 1
The first asset was designed for those hard-working IT teams tasked with the gargantuan problem of ensuring enterprise IT runs smoothly. Dealing with the problems with today’s workplace IT and telling a story around ‘how it got so bad’, Positive aligned Nexthink with the reader’s point of view and highlighted the benefits of Nexthink as a solution to these problems.

Core asset 2
Designed for IT people conscious of Digital Transformation issues, the second core asset details how IT teams can realise the ultimate digital employee experience. This asset focuses on the needs of today’s enterprise IT end user, and details how Nexthink helps to personalise IT hardware, software and services to ensure each employee is highly productive.

Core asset 3
As with many IT deployments, the C-Level needs to be bought in and, ultimately, sign off. However, C-Level executives are time poor and do not have time to read long marketing material. To help Nexthink engage with these hard-to-reach individuals, Positive created a snappy and condensed version the Next Level Thinking campaign assets. This focused on C-Level issues, demonstrating how Nexthink helps business leaders get more from IT, realise the ultimate digital employee experience, ensure their workforce is happier and more productive.
The results
Positive responded to Nexthink’s brief by providing it with three fully-messaged and created campaigns.
These campaigns are still live and creating leads for Nexthink, so we don’t have any hard metrics. However, the feedback we have had is Positive. We’ll update this article, but in the meantime, if you’re interested in finding out how Positive can help you create the content for your next marketing push, or even design content for an audience you’ve not engaged with before, just let us know through the form below, or give us a call.